Acupuncture treatments for...
Emotional Health
Mental health disorders are medical conditions that disrupt a person's thinking, feelings, moods, and daily functions. Mental health disorders cause a disruption in the flow of vital energy through your body. These energetic imbalances throw off the immune system and can cause a variety of physical symptoms. Acupuncture treatments can correct this imbalance and improve the way your body manages your mental health.
Anxiety is a mental state accompanied by a number of unpleasant mental sensations such as apprehension, fear and worry. Physical symptoms of anxiety range from a general feeling of discomfort to severe reactions such as chest pain and shortness of breath. Acupuncture often provides immediate improvement to the symptoms present, as well as a deeper improvement to the underlying causes. Good results are common with acupuncture, and a deeper clearing out of underlying causes can be anticipated.
Sleep Disturbance
Anyone who has experienced chronic sleep problems can tell you that it is very difficult to be your best during the day when you are dealing with low energy and fatigue. The restorative power of acupuncture is very helpful in treating sleep problems. When the systemic balance of energy is restored through acupuncture, sleep symptoms often disappear. Many patients, after just one session, enjoy better sleep that same night, as well as a feeling of calm and well-being the next day.